So an update...

Aug 13, 2010 11:28

So I got laid off last Friday.  Yeah.  All that wonderful personal freedom? Yeah, not so much anymore. I'm not one to sit around and think "Oh, poor me!" but goddamn, who did I piss off in what former life? I just feel really, really lost.  Like, I cannot wrap my brain around everything. So I'm spending my days applying for jobs, which is a joke in my local economy, and filling out paperwork. Oh, and also waiting on my unemployment claim to be processed, which could take ANOTHER TWO WEEKS. >:(

Moving on!

Read stacks of books, enjoyed it thoroughly. Will probably have Many Wonderful Things to say about them later on today if I can get my shit together (don't hold your breath). I also have a lot of writing to do. That's been bothering me, the not writing. I got so burnt out after the Smut for Relief thing it just kinda...put me off writing for a while.

Also, I have burnt myself so many times in the past week, it's starting to become A Thing. The other day, made some ramen noodles, and whilst they were still NUCLEAR MOTHERFUCKING HOT, I proceeded to dump them on my legs (was sitting Indian style). Why no, I didn't scream like a little girl and jump around, flailing my hands in the direction of my legs, why would you ask? As an added bonus, Meatloaf came over and gobbled them all up, so at least I didn't have to clean it up?

AND THEN. Oh God, this is classic Infamous.

So I can't find the gun portion to my hot glue gun. Being the crafty-McCrafterson that I am, I really, really need hot glue frequently. The usual method of late is to use a lighter and roast the end of a hot glue stick until it's melty, then hurry up and smear it all over whatever I'm trying to adhesify. So let's all get a great mental image of that, okay? Here's Infy, sitting around with my concentrate face on: >:P (how far my tongue is sticking out is directly proportionate to the task at hand). Now, as anyone who knows me in the least will tell you, I'm really clumsy. So the thought of me holding a plastic-y compound over open flame with my bare hands should give you a good indicator how this story is going to end.

Of course I dropped a big ol' glob of hot glue on my hand. Of course I tried to flick it off instinctively with another finger. Of course it didn't work.  Here's a piece of info about hot glue: IT IS BOTH STICKY AND HOT. So it's not like I could just, I don't know, flip it away or anything. IT WAS STUCK TO ME, AND IT WAS BURNING. ALSO, IT BURNED. BURNING. HOT. BAD. So I had to frantically prance around in front of the sink and wait for it to cool enough for me to peel it off before I could put water on it.

Good news: I have Cars band-aids! All hands now. :-/


Bad news: Can't paint my fingernails, use my hands, wash my hair, or do the dishes. Also, Young Master Infy took one look at my bandaged fingers and said, "OOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, NOT MAH CARS BAND-AIDS!!!!!!! *flail*" He's a little dramatic, NO IDEA where he gets that from.

ETA: I just saw something that made my day. There's a guy walking around with a leaf blower, blowing off the sidewalks for...some reason. As you do. Anyway, he spots a piece of paper in the middle of the street. Does he:
a.) Pick it up.
b.) Ignore it.
c.) Shove it off to the side with his foot

If you picked d.) Uses the leaf blower to blow it all the way to the end of the street to the dumpster, you are correct. He chased this thing around for a good 20 minutes, shooting it this way and that, cursing when the wind blew it some other way. Classic. God, I've missed being able to watch Maintenance Man Shenanigans.

why me, shitty weather, shenanigans, doom

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