Update, Meebling, Stuff

Jun 29, 2010 13:25

I are not dead. :P I am, however, extremely busy and going through...something? I'm not even sure what it is. I'm doing rather well though, so that's good.

On to the importants:
  • Hoshit, I have so many book reviews. I am so frigging behind and...oops.
  • I also have not forgotten the Big Corset Thing. It's forthcoming, I swear. Gotten quite a few Q's about that, and I haven't let it go by the wayside.
  • I'm actually planning on writing again, like...for fun. Lots of things to put down, not a lot of coherent ideas yet but LOTS of visuals.
So the moral of the story is that yes I'm surviving, yes I have a lot to catch up on, yes I would really like some tea.

update, random

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