I Don't Even Know

Jan 09, 2010 11:21



Are you.


I'm sure that someone, somewhere, is going to tell me to "Lighten up" or "get a sense of humor."

Maybe you need to get a fucking brain.

First of all, the fact that Facebook is allowing a group like this is just beyond reason. If this were a group targeting ANY other set of people, FB would have been all over it, and we all know that. Honestly, this just proves how hard FB is failing lately, and I'm just really glad I'm not a part of it anymore. Seriously, are we moving backward in time? Because it sure as shit feels like it.

Second, there are over 12,000 people in said group. There goes the rest of my faith in humanity.

Third, it's not just Facebook, so don't give me that either. It's a social platform, and it's real, and the people they're targeting are real, and the people posting are real.  That's like saying it's just e-mail.

Fourth, if I hear anyone--and I mean fucking ANYONE DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME--slutshaming ever again, I am going to start enriching my own uranium, you just watch and see if I don't. Does anyone grasp how fucked up our (as a society, culture, whatever) view of female sexuality is? We're sluts, whores, and skanks if we like sex; we're prudes, anti-feminists, and unenlightened if we remain close-mouthed. How is that fair? How is that right?  Furthermore, how many women, REAL women, not just on the internet where everyone feels relatively safe because of the relative anonymity, can stand up and confidently say, "I like this, this, and this, and I intend on screwing that way with whomever I like."

Which brings me to this:

I carry a condom in my ID case. Yeah, really. I'm in a relationship, I like to fuck, and I intend on being smart about it if we want some random fucking. I've done so for as long as I've been sexually active. Also, I like the textured ones.  I know a lot of people would pat me on the back and congratulate me for being smart and empowered and blah, but do you want to know what it's like? What it's really like in the real world? At the airport, a security guard was going through my things, which of course meant my metal ID thingy, and as SOON as he spots the condom, he got this little smirk and his whole demeanor changed. Suddenly I was That Slut on the Airplane. Once, in highschool, I was paying for my lunch and in my shuffle to get money out *plop*, out falls a condom.

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to how that went over? Place your bets now.

I was hauled down to the office, as they weren't really sure what to do. Did I mention that the whole administrative staff was male? Yeah. Anyway, so I got a lecture on Teh Ebils of Teh Sexings and whatever else, and they tried to confiscate it. Let me also clarify that I was, in fact, eighteen.  Now, Awesome Mom was a school nurse for eons after she stopped being an ambulance jockey, and she handled sex ed for her school; to say that I had statistics on sex is like saying Marie Antoinette had a pair of shoes. Therein followed one of the most epic rant in the History of Whatever, and looking back, it was probably a major turning point in donning the Mistress Infy mantle. (Major point: "How is that the school nurse can hand out condoms to boys that want to get laid, and I'm being raked over the coals for doing the same thing? How in the hell can you guys teach us sex ed and not expect us to use it?")

And I'm not saying we should all be promiscuous and making like rabbits all the time with random people. I'm saying that everyone knows the term nymphomaniac, but how many know what satyriasis is?

So everyone, everywhere, stop. Just stop it. Stop judging women. Women, stop degrading each other, that's just really stupid. Just because someone has the confidence to talk about sex and use words like 'vagina' and 'misogynastic' or whatever else doesn't automatically make them less of a human. Start using your brains, because you have them for a reason. Don't let the System shame you into not experiencing life.

Go be what you want to be, and don't be afraid of yourself.

mistress infy, facebook, sexism, rants, fail, rage

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