Starting the New Year Off Right

Jan 03, 2010 17:17

In keeping with last post's theme, I am extra determined to make this a fantastic year. That being said, I'm off the last weekend of January, if things continue to line up correctly, to Philly, where I'll meet with a couple very special people. I haven't had a real vacation in a long time, so this is going to be epic for that reason alone.

Of course, this means that I have to spend the next few weeks figuring out what on Earth I'm going to be packing and taking bets as to whether I'll get strip-searched by security because of my steel boned corset. The odds are increasing that I will, what with the security getting extra uptight.  So, there's that, and I'll be planning on getting there like two hours before my flight for that reason. "But Mistress," you're saying, I can just hear it. "Why not just go without the corset? Why don't you just wear jeans?" BECAUSE, if I don't get on that plane all cinched, THE TERRORISTS WIN! We must carry on! In the name of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of cheap airport nachos, I shall defiantly lace myself up! GIVE ME CINCHING, OR GIVE ME DEATH!

Been able to get back to working out, finally, since I'm not dying of the flu any longer. With this trip coming on though, I've got less than four weeks to be a size 10. I have no idea if it's gonna happen, but dammit, I am trying. Walking with dumbells again, running on stairs, 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of intense pilates... I think I can do it. At the least, I feel better, and it's a great way to keep the omgnervous from eating me alive.

What else, what else...

Oh, so this is classic:  I was reminding Asshat that I am, in fact, going to be seeing a friend (or two...heheheheh) for a few days, and he says, "Don't lie, I know you go out there to party." WHAT.  Awesome Mom, bless, happened to hear and says, "Oh for crying out loud, because she's such a party-er. She's totally going to go out there, round up a batch of Amish boys, and have the wildest barn-raising EVER. She might even get them to drink Mountain Dew, that she-devil. *eyeroooooooooll*" ILU MOM. That whole thing was stupid. I don't party, I hate people. I rarely go anywhere for a social reason.



fandom, squee, vacation, sherlock holmes, asshat, corset, cinching, de belgian

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