Blake's 7 discussion

Sep 10, 2007 00:27

First off, I'm very proud of myself, because Sunday bibliohippo and I cleared a place next to my comfy chair for the video-to-dvd setup. This means that I can monitor the process without having to either (a) sit for long periods in a chair that hurts or (b) hobble back and forth repeatedly; which subsequently means that a certain person who's probably ready to strangle me will finally be getting her B7 dvds. Yay for brain cells!! I should have thought of this soner.

And also importantly, I wish to call to the attention of anyone interested that the Lysator Blake's 7 mailing list has just today started a start-to-finish, one-episode-per-week discussion. Please to stop in if you're at all interested, as fresh blood a new perspective is always welcome. :) The place to sign up is here. Do drop in.

::waves and goes back to lurkiness::

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