This brain does not want to cooperate...

Jul 07, 2007 04:36

So. I'm late on my gen_remix story, I've got two people waiting on betas, and I'm tearing my hair out over those (though the betas, God willing, will be done by at least the day after tomorrow), but what does my brain keep throwing at me? Can you guess?

Little Kerr Avon and the Philosopher's Stone.

And let me tell you, little Kerr Avon is no Harry Potter. He's more than a bit annoyed at being sorted into Gryffindor, he's not that good at flying, and he has absolutely no interest in Quidditch. He certainly doesn't have any desire to face off against Voldemort! On the other hand, a Philosopher's Stone could come in quite handy...

Please. Make. It. Go. Away. Now.


hp, plot tribbles, avon, b7

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