Interview meme (yes, I R still here)

Jul 05, 2007 02:47

Hello. Haven't posted in a while. I see the interview meme is going around again.

1. Comment asking to be interviewed and I will ask you five questions.
2. Post this meme along with your answers in your journal.

Also, if you'd like to ask me questions, that's fine, too.

1. If you met Larry Fleinhardt (I don't know the grocery store? at a conference? in an online forum?), what would you say to him?

You mean, after the inappropriate hugging and squeeing? :) I'd ask him if he has any tips on how to handle folk who claim that strict materialism is the only logical, scientific view of reality.

2. Has a particular event in a fictional medium (TV, book, whatever) ever caused you to stop reading/watching that particular thing? What was it?

Sure. I'm pretty good at avoiding my squicks before the fact, but sometimes I make a mistake and run up against one. I walked out of a movie once because of a demon summoning scene that I found too realistic. And I've got some books on the shelf that I wanted to read but can't face, because of the blasphemous language.

3. What three personal effects will you bring with you on your solo deep space mission?

(1) A computer stuffed with a Bible, my favorite novels, my favorite music, my favorite video games, transcripts of B7, Buffy, House, and Numb3rs, and an episode of each to get the look and feel of the characters, a dictionary, an encyclopedia, the complete works of Shakespeare, and a word processing program; (2) a massive spare hard drive to hold the fics I'll be writing; (3) my favorite quilt.

4. While in space, you get sucked into a wormhole, and are spit out into the universe of a sci-fi movie or TV series (but you don't necessarily drop into the lives of the main characters!). You hope it's the universe of...

Tough question; I usually choose fantasy universes when asked something like this. But if we're sticking to sci-fi, I'll choose Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Which counts because, y'know, time-travel.

5. Describe one of the moments you've had in life (I'm sure everyone's had a few of these, at least) which makes you suspect that humanity isn't completely hopeless after all.

Once in my early twenties, I was driving along at about 40 mph on a downhill road when I saw three boys of about 12 years old standing on a corner. One of them ran out in front of me and stopped--it looked quite deliberate, and I suspect it was a dare. But of course I didn't want to hit him in any case, so I hit the brakes and swerved onto the shoulder. In the process I hit a cement marker and shredded a tire. By the time I got the car stopped, the boys had run away, and I was quite upset, thinking I could have killed somebody. The man driving behind me--white-collar, thirty-something--stopped and told me that he had seen the whole thing, and it wasn't my fault. Then he changed my tire. I was glad to have the tire changed, of course, but it meant even more to have an impartial observer to take the time to confirm that I hadn't done something wrong.

memes, fleinhardt

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