Interview meme (yes, I R still here)

Jul 05, 2007 02:47

Hello. Haven't posted in a while. I see the interview meme is going around again.

1. Comment asking to be interviewed and I will ask you five questions.
2. Post this meme along with your answers in your journal.

Also, if you'd like to ask me questions, that's fine, too.

My answers to questions from Izhilzha )

memes, fleinhardt

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jomacmouse July 5 2007, 11:03:44 UTC
I'm pleased to see a post from you again. How are you? (No, I don't want interview questions, as I'm distracted tonight - Mum's doctor has sent her to hospital, and I'm waiting to hear what the hell is going on.)


mistraltoes July 5 2007, 11:16:12 UTC
I'm so-so; had a couple of bad weeks, but I'm improving now.

Sorry to hear about your Mum; I hope you get news soon, and that she's going to be all right. Do try to stay calm while you wait, as worrying won't help. ::hugs::


jomacmouse July 5 2007, 11:32:20 UTC
I'm glad about the improving bit. That's always a good thing. Keep it up! :-)

I've pretty much just heard - they're keeping her in overnight to treat an infection that, combined with the bad cold she has at the moment, is restricting her breathing. All going well, she'll be home tomorrow, but she's had us worried :-( It's true that worrying won't help, yes. {{hugs}} to you too.


mistraltoes July 5 2007, 11:43:07 UTC
I'm glad you've heard something; it's encouraging to hear they think she'll be home tomorrow. I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.


jomacmouse July 5 2007, 11:48:05 UTC
Thank you, Mistral. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the continued improvement in your health. I hope your summer is treating you more kindly than winter here has been doing to my mother.


mistraltoes July 5 2007, 13:30:16 UTC
Thanks. :)


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