All right, which of you lot is from Szazhalombatta?

Mar 12, 2007 16:11

Random stuff:

--Re the subject line; if any of you have Web sites and are interested to know where your visitors are coming in from, you can use All you have to do is set up a free account (very simple), add a tiny piece of tagging code to the bottom of whichever pages on your site you want to track, and wait 24 hours for the results to start coming in. I have my front page and my fic index page tagged, and the results are fascinating. (ETA: They have other interesting stats as well, such as percent of return visitors, etc.)

--You can also search "google page rank" to find a free service that will tell you your (duh) google page rank, which is a number from 0 to 10 telling you how legitimate and/or important google thinks your site is. I didn't really expect fannish sites to register at all, but my front page is a 3, Nico's is a 4, and Kat's is a 6.

--It's a pleasant surprise (if a little embarrassing) when you go googling to find a song you heard and liked on a TV show, only to discover that you already own the CD. ::rolls eyes at self::

--I keep a list of hard-to-find items that I'm looking for, and search the 'Net for them periodically. In January this paid off in finally finding a recording of my favorite piano piece: Five Bagatelles by Howard Ferguson. I found the sheet music in a bargain bin years ago, but could only play about two and a half of them because my hands aren't large enough. Anyway, I wanted to hear somebody else play them, to know if they really sounded the way they do in my head. And guess what? They do! :D Though the recording artist is a bit freer with the tempo than I prefer. Now, if somebody would only record my favorite choral piece. ::wishes really hard::

Ah. The brain's just gone blank. More later, perhaps.

music, website

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