Fifteen character answers, part the second

Dec 03, 2006 04:33

Yep, I'm still at it, and back with more insanity...

From entropy_house:

Hamlet, Cyrano de Bergerac and Alice order a pizza and argue over the toppings. Who wants what and why and what compromise do they eventually make?

---Hamlet wants anchovies, because, well, he's Danish. Cyrano wants four cheese, but they have to be pungent French cheeses, and it must come with a bottle of wine. Alice wants mushrooms, because she's developed a taste for them during her adventures. Cyrano and Alice don't want anchovies because they'll flavor the entire pizza; Hamlet doesn't want mushrooms, though Cyrano doesn't mind them. They finally order a half-cheese, half-mushroom pizza, and dig a can of sardines out of the pantry for Hamlet and a bottle of beer out of the fridge for Cyrano.

Spike and Jarriere go to a pet shop. Do either of them buy anything? If so, what?

---Jarriere can't resist buying three tiny white mice that he can carry along in his pockets, but then notices Spike hungrily eyeing the pot-bellied pig, and rushes him out of the store. He takes Spike to the butcher's for a pint of blood, though Spike complains a bit about preferring it fresh, and threatens to end up with a mouse chaser. Jarriere points out that the energy beam of his handgun will slice off a vampire's head quite nicely, and Spike subsequently confines himself to making faces when Jarriere's back is turned.

Daniel Jackson gets arrested. What did Daniel do? How do Emma Peel, Larry Fleinhardt and Mr. Miyagi get Daniel out of the situation?

---While the four of them are on a road trip, they pass through a small southern town where, in a case of mistaken identity, Daniel is arrested for murder. The others don't trust the small-town sheriff and want to get Daniel quickly, before he has some sort of 'accident'. The plan is for Emma to distract the guards while Larry and Mr. Miyagi break in and sneak Daniel out the back. Unfortunately, Larry and Mr. Miyagi are not exactly a well-oiled machine. They have a falling out over some aspect of the plan and make too much noise, which gets them captured and thrown in jail, along with Emma.

Later that day, the sheriff (who is neither as incompetent nor as corrupt as he seemed) finds the real killer and clears Daniel. Once freed, Daniel prevails on General Hammond to exert some influence through his contacts to have the others released.

Emma Peel takes Jarriere on holiday. Where do they go? Do they let Alice and Spike come along?

---They go to Africa on a photographic safari. Alice is allowed to come as long as she promises to do as she's told and keep her hands within the vehicle, but Jarriere doesn't trust Spike around animals after the pet shop, and refuses to bring him along.

Hiro Nakamura and Yoda adopt Snape's child and change their lifestyles. Why do they adopt? What lifestyle changes do they make?

---The war against Voldemort spilled into many universes and involved many heroes. After it was over, it was discovered that the war's most renowned martyr, Severus Snape, had left behind him an orphaned son, two-year-old Samnus. The child showed no signs of wizardry, but prophecy indicated that Samnus would be the premiere hero in the next great war against evil.

Broken-hearted that he could not use his powers to save his great friend Severus, Hiro determined that at least he would be the one to undertake Samnus's upbringing. But Yoda saw that the Force was strong in young Samnus, and he was concerned that Hiro, for all his virtues and skill with a sword, was not qualified to train a young warrior in the ways of the Force. Thus it was agreed that Yoda and Hiro would be co-guardians of the child.

Seeking shelter from prying eyes, they moved to the countryside, where there would be plenty of room and fresh air for a growing boy. Yoda, who loved green things, became a vegetable farmer, and was able to make double use of his time by teaching young Samnus to garden using the Force. Hiro's job was to sell their produce; his abilities in bending time and space were invaluable in enabling them to offer the freshest, ripest fruits and vegetables, all the year round.

Eventually Samnus came of age, and Hiro and Yoda were able to return to their own universes; but they left behind them a prepared warrior, worthy of their efforts, and of his father's name.

Larry Fleinhardt is transformed into an animal reflecting his/her true nature. Emma Peel tries to make a pet of Larry. How well does this work?

---Larry's love of the night sky, water, and music result in his becoming an ornate chorus frog. Emma finds him a thoroughly suitable pet, unique, low-maintenance, and intelligent, but Larry is unhappy. Eventually Emma releases him by a stream near her home, where he can gaze at the night sky and soak up enough water to make himself a prune. He teaches the other frogs to croak bebop jazz, and some evenings Emma sits by the river and watches the stars with Larry, while the other frogs serenade them.

Jarriere, Hiro, and Yoda get holidays in their honor. What are they and how are they celebrated?

---Jarriere's holiday is the 'Day of Understanding'. It is celebrated by eating fried foods, doing kindnesses for people who aren't themselves terribly nice, and spending time meditating on concepts that have so far proven too complicated for you to grasp.

---Hiro's holiday is called 'Continuum Day'. It occurs each February 29th, and is not considered part of any year. For the first half of the day the clocks count forward, and for the second half of the day they count backward. Celebrants watch marathons of science-fiction shows, notably original Star Trek, and tell stories about any heroic deeds they have done or witnessed during the past four years.

---Yoda's holiday was originally called 'Day of Honor', and was celebrated by formal sword-duels and visiting the graves of dead heroes. Unfortunately, its purpose has been corrupted over time, and the young folk now celebrate 'Poke Your Inner Jedi with a Stick Day'. The mock sword battles are considerably less formal and more enthusiastic, and young ruffians hold passersby hostage for candy and coins.

Hamlet eats Gandalf's science experiment by accident. What happens?

---It isn't widely known, but the name of Gandalf's undercover identity is Bertie Bott. One day while Gandalf was developing the formulae for his Every Flavour Beans, Hamlet stumbled onto experimental version #17 of the Soap Suds flavor, which was still a bit too strong. He hiccuped the most beautiful soap bubbles for the next six weeks. Gandalf told him he should have stuck to the popcorn.

And yes, there's more to come.

sg-1, snape, yoda, shakespeare, fleinhardt, hiro, hp, jarriere, spike, joy, metafic, memes

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