
Jul 02, 2006 04:42

I've just finished posting a couple of entries to bayban. These were supposed to be for June. Obviously I'm a little late, but I've decided to let June slop over into July a bit. It's simpler than messing about with the settings on my PIM--the one feature it doesn't have and desperately needs is a way to skip one iteration of a recurring task ( Read more... )

bayban, btvs, house, goals, dvds

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Comments 16

sp23 July 2 2006, 14:18:22 UTC
Last year, I woke up one Friday morning (it's always Friday or the weekend, isn't it?) to find a puddle of water coming from the freezer side of my sidy-by-side fridge. The appliance guy came and fixed it. While he was here, I had him replace the baking element of my oven that had burnt out. Two weeks later, my dryer drum stopped turning. Back he came. Now the broiling element on my oven has burnt out, and my washer occasionally drips, drips, drips. So, yeah, all my appliances break at the same time. :)

DeepDiscountDVD has some pretty good prices and quite often beats out Amazon. I'm thinking of ordering all three seasons of Millennium from them now that I have all the seasons of X-Files and The Lone Gunmen. They're twelve to fifteen dollars cheaper per season and they ship quicker.


mistraltoes July 2 2006, 14:53:47 UTC
(it's always Friday or the weekend, isn't it?)

It makes you wonder how they know. It's good I don't have to cook for the holiday.

I keep debating with myself about X-Files and Lone Gunmen. I'm going to run out of shelf space soon...


sp23 July 2 2006, 14:56:23 UTC
Since they came down in price so dramatically, I just had to buy them. They don't have the commentaries, but I don't care about that so much anyway. I just want the episodes. I've been watching The X-Files over the past month, and I'm up to Season 7 now. I had forgotten just how much I loved that show. Love. Love. Love. *g*


sp23 July 2 2006, 14:58:27 UTC
Oh, and as for shelf room? ... I have sets of DVDs stacked everywhere. I need to buy a new tall bookcase just to house my DVD collection. And I don't have room for a new tall bookcase. ::facepalm::


entropy_house July 2 2006, 16:44:32 UTC
A couple weeks ago the microwave went BRRZZZZAAPP! and smelled like burnt insulation- it kept miking although making weird pathetic scary noises, but when the toaster lost the abiltiy to toast both sides of a piece of bread that totally destroyed our eating habits, so bro went out & got both a mike & a toaster. The toaster has a blue glowing light, and the microwave runs words across a little screen telling you what to do--- push this button NOW, no, stupid, not THAT button, This Button! Ok, your food is ready, come and get it!

We're *this* close to a talking toaster, I can tell.


mistraltoes July 7 2006, 06:18:19 UTC
If it offers me toasted bread products of any kind, I shall send it straight to Avon!


vilakins July 7 2006, 06:24:44 UTC
You have seen Red Dwarf, right?


mistraltoes July 7 2006, 06:29:35 UTC
Several times through, but I've apparently forgotten something important--the only appliance I remember is the Talkie Toaster.

(Eh. Something weird going on in the comments tonight. More conspiracy, I tell you!)


vilakins July 3 2006, 05:07:56 UTC
I see Bayban's doing very old TM topics. I guess you're going to pick the eyes out of them; some aren't that great. I divide them between my three now.


mistraltoes July 7 2006, 06:20:48 UTC
I think Doctor Nesbytt wants him to do them all, but I suspect Bayben may not agree, quite.


vilakins July 7 2006, 06:22:59 UTC
I can imagine that. Also they do get a bit lame at times.


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