
Jul 02, 2006 04:42

I've just finished posting a couple of entries to bayban. These were supposed to be for June. Obviously I'm a little late, but I've decided to let June slop over into July a bit. It's simpler than messing about with the settings on my PIM--the one feature it doesn't have and desperately needs is a way to skip one iteration of a recurring task ( Read more... )

bayban, btvs, house, goals, dvds

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entropy_house July 2 2006, 16:44:32 UTC
A couple weeks ago the microwave went BRRZZZZAAPP! and smelled like burnt insulation- it kept miking although making weird pathetic scary noises, but when the toaster lost the abiltiy to toast both sides of a piece of bread that totally destroyed our eating habits, so bro went out & got both a mike & a toaster. The toaster has a blue glowing light, and the microwave runs words across a little screen telling you what to do--- push this button NOW, no, stupid, not THAT button, This Button! Ok, your food is ready, come and get it!

We're *this* close to a talking toaster, I can tell.


mistraltoes July 7 2006, 06:18:19 UTC
If it offers me toasted bread products of any kind, I shall send it straight to Avon!


vilakins July 7 2006, 06:24:44 UTC
You have seen Red Dwarf, right?


mistraltoes July 7 2006, 06:29:35 UTC
Several times through, but I've apparently forgotten something important--the only appliance I remember is the Talkie Toaster.

(Eh. Something weird going on in the comments tonight. More conspiracy, I tell you!)


vilakins July 7 2006, 06:38:27 UTC
I was asking entropy_house since she mentioned one. :-)


mistraltoes July 7 2006, 06:40:44 UTC
Yes. :) This disappearing comment tag is amusing, though. At least it only seems confusing, and doesn't stay that way.


entropy_house July 7 2006, 15:19:33 UTC
Yes, I've seen *some* of Red Dwarf. After a few seasons I lost interest, but I did see the Talking Toaster, and rather felt sorry for it. It was annoying, but it was only trying to please. :^)


vilakins July 7 2006, 21:50:49 UTC
So were the doors in HHGTTG. Smart appliances will have to have conversational settings.


entropy_house July 8 2006, 00:25:50 UTC
Or come with complimentary earplugs.


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