Back in the saddle again

Jan 29, 2006 05:42

Had a couple of bad weeks where I didn't feel like doing anything, but the last few days am beginning to make progress in several areas. I have crossed a bunch of things off my to-do list since Wednesday:
  • finished a beta (I have been on a much-needed break, but I want to get cautiously back into betaing this year)
  • finished sewing some hot mats that have been sitting around for, oh, fifteen years or more
  • refilled the phone card and called kerravonsen
  • figured out how to work the formulas in the $%^&* spreadsheet program (the help file was, of course, completely wrong)
  • solved at least a dozen logic problems (I have a carton of challengers that I'm trying to work my way through; perhaps it will improve my mind ;-))
  • made a doctor's appointment I've been putting off
Anyway. So, not earth-shattering, but all things that have been nagging at me. Oh, and I've had visitors (family) three times this week, and three long-distance phone calls (RL friends). I also wrote 90% of a fic; I'd hoped to finish it tonight, but I'm too sleepy, so I'm going to bed. Tomorrow's plan: finish the fic, answer an E-mail, deal with some bookclub flyers, relax and watch TV. Life is... not bad. :)
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