Back in the saddle again

Jan 29, 2006 05:42

Had a couple of bad weeks where I didn't feel like doing anything, but the last few days am beginning to make progress in several areas. I have crossed a bunch of things off my to-do list since Wednesday:
  • finished a beta (I have been on a much-needed break, but I want to get cautiously back into betaing this year)
  • finished sewing some hot mats that ( Read more... )

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Comments 28

kerravonsen January 29 2006, 20:39:45 UTC
Go you!


mistraltoes January 30 2006, 02:01:26 UTC
Thank 'ee. I sewed the hotmats while we were on the phone, so I felt quite industrious. :D


sallymn January 29 2006, 20:51:47 UTC
That's rather more than I accomplished...


mistraltoes January 30 2006, 02:07:41 UTC
Oh, I don't know about that, you did work on your finish-a-thon story. I must confess, the two paragraphs I posted were already done. I must make some major progress on that this week. Especially because I've noticed the Remix signups are upon us. ::shivers::


kerravonsen January 30 2006, 04:45:15 UTC
Especially because I've noticed the Remix signups are upon us. ::shivers::

(shivers with you) I'm wondering if I should decline Remix this year, as I must get back to working on my charity story, and my laptop has died and I don't know when I will have a replacement in my hands.


mistraltoes January 30 2006, 07:29:14 UTC
Well, it's not as if I don't have enough to do. But Remix is my favorite ficathon, followed by Multiverse, and I promised myself that those are the two I'd plan to do this year--Remix for sure, and Multiverse if I've caught up some by then. It's just that I hadn't realized Remix would be so soon (or that the sign-up period would be so short.) Well, there's a couple of days to think about it, I guess.


entropy_house January 29 2006, 20:56:39 UTC
Yes! That's a lot of progress and productivity! Go, you!


mistraltoes January 30 2006, 02:03:56 UTC
Well, it's not a patch on what you've accomplished, but it's a step in the right direction, thanks. And you, keep up the good work; you're inspiring.


entropy_house January 30 2006, 02:38:52 UTC
I couldn't have done a thing without my helpful friend, Google. Say hello, google.

*Google* Whinnneeeey! *paws the keyboard*

Hi Yo, Google, AWWWAAaaayyy!

Ok, I'm feeling silly. :^)


vilakins January 29 2006, 21:52:36 UTC
Well done!

I'm finally beginning to tackle my e-mail inbox at last so I must be feeling a bit better too.


mistraltoes January 30 2006, 02:10:15 UTC
Thanks! But I hadn't realized that you were feeling bad. :( Here's hoping you're at 100% soon. ::hugs::


vilakins January 30 2006, 02:28:18 UTC
I just got very stressed and rather depressed in my last contract. I can't handle taking on another one for a while; I need to get some self-confidence back ( ... )


entropy_house January 30 2006, 02:49:30 UTC
*hugs* There are no flaws in your personality that give anyone the right to bully you or demean you or degrade you or attack your self-confidence.

If a situation like that ever starts again, I'd suggest you fight back by recording what's done - save emails, have any witnesses sign statements as to what they heard, etc. and then you have documentation for the management in case you get fed up and want to fight back.


rahirah January 30 2006, 00:38:59 UTC
Glad you're feeling better. :)


mistraltoes January 30 2006, 02:04:34 UTC
Thanks. :D


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