Unintentionally humorous SF

Jan 05, 2006 02:24

"Sudenly, all the eyes in the room rose from their fixed positions on the floor to stare at him."

"Mona was on the liquilounge, her dark eyes pouring over him like warm jello."

"Ashala's head felt like vermicelli slowly slipping off the platter of her sholders."

"Onion oil! I couldn't imagine anyting worse than a daily bath in onion oil."
Yes, ( Read more... )

writing, humor

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Comments 4

astrogirl2 January 5 2006, 11:13:45 UTC
Man, that is a thing of terrible beauty. :)


mistraltoes January 5 2006, 11:33:08 UTC


lonemagpie January 5 2006, 13:12:08 UTC
At least three of those lines could definitely be very good ones in the right context (especially the tall and thin guy looking like a cadaver that's forgotten something - I could see that in a Discworld book.)


mistraltoes January 7 2006, 02:37:38 UTC
Yes; context is important. I suspect the story that sentence was submitted in wasn't sufficiently Pratchetty to make it work.

One could make a writing challeng out of these. I'd probably enjoy doing something with: '"Oovil snetch," he growled in his mind.'


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