Japanese Title: Genshiken
English Title: Genshiken
Length: Season 1: 12 eps; Season 2: 12 eps; Total 24 eps
AniDB Listing:
Season 1;
Season 2AnimeNewsNetwork:
Season 1;
Season 2Production Studio: Genco
MEYDAY Rating: Rewatchable
Sexual Rating: T for doujin & discussion of sex
Violence Rating: E for video game violence only
Genre(s): Humor, slice-of-life
Setting(s): Real life (college)
Theme(s): Slice-of-life, Otaku
Target Audience: Seinen
Production Vintage: 2004
First Viewed Vintage: February 2011
Number of Rewatches: 0
It's always a little embarrassing to watch an anime and see yourself so clearly in one of the characters. It's also a little embarrassing to be SO late to the party on a series you should've watched when you first got into anime, but that's how it happened so oh well.
In short, I loved Genshiken. The characters are a good mix of stereotype and individuality, and they're introduced in a way that gives you the stereotype impression first (as seen through the eyes of the bland main character) and then develops them as the story goes on. The storylines are fun - lots of Comiket, cosplay, and nerds having relationships (yes, it happens). Don't get me wrong, it's stupid and fluffy and one of those things you won't really get (or like) if you're not in an anime club or haven't previously belonged to an anime club, but if you are or have, you'll really, really like it.
This is one to watch if you've ever been to an anime con or have any anime-loving friends. I wouldn't recommend it as a first-anime for someone you're trying to convert. But if you're sitting around with a bunch of anime-loving friends, definitely give this one a try. Chances are good you'll see yourself in at least one of the characters - and you won't hate what you see. :)
List of all series I've watched can be found