Japanese Title: Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040
English Title: Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040
Length: 26 episodes
AniDB Listing:
LinkProduction Studio: AIC
MEYDAY Rating: Awful-dropped
Sexual Rating: T for Teen
Violence Rating: T for Teen
Genre(s): Action
Setting(s): Future
Theme(s): Sci-Fi
Target Audience: Shounen
Production Vintage: 1998
First Viewed Vintage: 2002
Number of Rewatches: 0
Oh god, this show.
The DVD was loaned to us by a friend we met right at the start of college. He was all excited about how great it was and how much we'd like it. Hell, the guy had it on official collector's DVD - it had to be good, right?
It's JPop and 80s spandex and bad hair and little plot. I don't remember how many episodes we made it through, but it was fewer than ten, and painful. If you want vintage action anime, this is probably one to recommend, but I found it grating and boring and hard to watch, personally. One of the first (maybe THE first) really bad anime I tried to watch. Blech.
List of all series I've watched can be found