(no subject)

Sep 24, 2006 21:19

Note to Channel 5;

Please do not presume to think that watching mostly unknown childrens presenters, paeleantologists* and random fat men talking me through the plot of Jurrassic Park; the movie or any Harry Potter films is in any way good televisual content.


Now then, on to lighter things. Three permanent positions have come up at ITN. PA to the director of ITN source (the archive dept.), a news assistant on the foriegn desk in london and C4 News need a new Washington correspondant. As in Washington DC.

I'd love to but I think I might actually not be that qualified as a broadcast journalist at this point in my "career".

So then, we've not seen the scores of late have we?

Work: 7/10 - I'm busy at the minute, with a light October coming up but November and December are looking like they're going to be very hectic indeed. Grand.
Lovelife: 4/10 - Nothing is happening on this front. But I'm in an inexplicably good mood about it.
Misc: 8/10 - Improv workshops about to start again, gigs booked for November, prospect of US fun in the new year and Fringe goodness later. Kehoe is in London now. Fuck it.I'm just in a good mood.

Sweet Jesus, lookit. That, my friends, is a 19/30. Bring it on.

work, scores, misc

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