Lessons learned and swiftly forgotten.

Sep 24, 2006 03:07

Last night, by which I mean Friday, I attended a play at the charming Soho Theatre in the company of Sarah Cook, Tom Pollock and Debbie Petersen. The show was a cabaret review entitled (I am) Nobody’s Lunch (A cabaret about how we know what we know when nobody knows if everyone else is lying and when someone or something wants to have you for lunch). It was good. Very good, it reminded me of Six Women With Brain Death from some years ago.

LESSON: I should see more fringe theatre.

Plus, after the show there were drinks. Vodka and cranberry, which apparently the Americans call a “Cape Cod”, frankly I think it a little simplistic to warrant a name, being merely a composite of one of the blander spirits and a piquant juice. But that’s probably why it’s not my job to name cocktails. The world’s loss I assure you.

LESSON: I ought to go out more with friends who I see too little of as it stands.

Further, I had the chance to talk and flirt at length with the delightful Caitlin Miller, one of the devisers and performers of the aforementioned show, whom I had shared coffee, cake and a lengthy afternoon with up at the fringe over August.

LESSON: I will continue to make bad/destructive choices when it comes to women. I can not change this. But apparently I can learn to enjoy it more.

We spoke at length on a myriad of topics, mostly Improv but also some less predictable themes, the state motto of Virginia, Schrödinger’s Cat, that sort of thing. You know, no theme. It seems that Miss Miller is quite the darling of the Improv Scene in New York City (the spiritual home of serendipity, street crime and Godzilla) and has ideas for me to talk about with regard next year’s Fringe and some yankee companies. Also ideas about getting me over to NYC to learn more stuff and do more things. Pow.

LESSON: There will be fun in the future. Oh yes.

We parted company with the expressed desire of remaining friends and I was accompanied on my journey home by a joyous mood and The Count of Monte Cristo.

Overall a good night, that bodes well for the future. Not in any predictable or quantifiable way. But well nonetheless.

life, misc

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