(no subject)

May 30, 2006 13:17

What up?

I'm still at Save The Children. And I loathe the work. Shame really as my co-workers are uniformly quite cool. But I will have to start burning things soon so I relive the tedium.

In other news, I have seen X-men III. I have experienced a deep feeling of regret. These two incidences may or may not be linked.

I'm sat lunching on soup drunk from a mug that tells me that I'm strong and fearless and that my name means that I will triumph over all adversity. But then it also tells me that my name is Gary. This mug is a fucking liar.

I'm searching employment sites on my lunch hour, just like my boss and co-workers. I feel like part of the group.

I poorer news, the shop over the road has sold out of muesli and yoghurt so I have what appears to be... no, actually is yoghurt, fruit and bits of wet cake. This is vile. I'm having an apple instead.

Wow. I had NOTHING to write about did I?

Well then, more text-excrement later folks! Now it's back to the infinite amount of data! FUCK YEAH.


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