(no subject)

May 26, 2006 12:27


Yesterday I was paid, by Opera East. The final of two payments for my work on teh set of Don Giovanni.

A mere 49 weeks after I finished working on the project.


In other news, most of you will know that Pagga has died, taking the curious social abbortion that was Legion with it. This is a good thing. With the demise of Pagga, I might make it to some LRP events this year, one never knows. Though my hunt for a reason to be alive may well intrude.

Speaking of which, the Job faced part of the hunt is still gash. Though I have tickets for the Guardian graduate fair in ten days.

In other news, I may have negelcted to tell you all that I set up an improvised comedy group. Further we have our first show next week, on the 31st at the Canal Cafe Theatre in Little Venice at 7.30. It's a fundraiser for the theatre and is do be this...

The "We Deperately Need A New Piano" Show: featuring the London Institute of Improvology. It costs a tenner for some reason, that's nothing to do with me by the way, if you're feeling violently affluent then pop along. If not, stay in and watch video footage of your neighbours.

I'm still working at Save the Children. I still loathe the work. But I did work out that by being lazy, I have been indirectly responsible for upwards of 50 kids not beign saved this week. My lifestyle does make a difference. Mother was wrong.

Anyhow. Back to the tedium...
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