Entry 245; Day 6

Dec 25, 2008 16:44

For once, the City, while still reducing me to my childhood again, wasn't so cruel about it as it sometimes is. I'll call it a Christmas gift and be grateful for it. I've seen that curse before, more than once, and, more than once, the day has not ended well. It does make one wonder about the childhoods of others in the City. Though, this time, as curses go, this was very mild.

Kaoru, I have to say that you were quite frustrating to my young self. And it was quite interesting to meet so many others I knew at different ages--mine and theirs. And I know I was searching for that doctor's friend, and we were both children--is that how he was as a child?--how did he change?--

I know what he is, what we are, but I still wonder--

We were children and I knew no better, and he was harmless, but still--

But there were also children grown to adults--another thing I've endured before--so it was more of a complete reversal than just reverting the whole City to childhood. Perhaps it was because of Christmas coming and the idea that it's a holiday all but made for children, beginning with celebrating the birth of a child. That doesn't entirely account for it, but how much explanation can we find for the curses?

It's strange to find myself here at Christmastime, slipping across time like this. I suppose I'll never be entirely comfortable with the idea that I can be here, and moving along day by day, and yet I can go back to precisely where I was before. It's like I've set a bookmark in my life, and I can return--or be returned to it, rather. And then I remember none of it once I'm back in my own world, so I could say that none of it matters at all--save that it does. The idea has been obsessing me of late.

Unfortunately, my coming and going means that I've not had time this year to organise a proper Christmas dinner the way I did last year. At least I managed to deliver the gifts I meant to, and perhaps we can find something down in the kitchen anyway. I have a plum pudding, if nothing else. I'll call it a taste of home, even if I can't manage a proper Christmas dinner.

It shouldn't be all that surprising that I've not had quite so much time this year as in past years. The time that I wasn't either on holiday at home or cursed, I had to use practicing for the performances last night.

Megumi, I can't thank you enough for the chance to play with you. It wasn't the sort of music I'm used to playing, and we had enough interruptions in practicing, but it was great fun. We've played enough together off-hand that it was time we performed properly. It's been a while since I performed properly myself too. And I think you managed to pull of the show splendidly. It was a great success, and it proves we've musicians enough in the City.

Perhaps it's more strange to think that this is my second Christmas in the City, but it's nowhere near to Christmas in my own world right now. Christmas, then the new year, then spring, and still no time passes in my world.

I shall take this bit of spare time for myself, then. I still have things to do--here and there.

Happy Christmas.


[ooc: Cain played the piano parts of the song in the not-IC link. So I didn't have much time for IC shopping this year ;_; However, Cain, being all aristocratic and all, is a little lavish to his friends and acquaintances. If you want to thank him for something, we can ad lib it :3 If he's only just met your character, he would have sent greenery, flowers, oranges, candies, or treats. Otherwise, please can we assume something fairly appropriate and pleasing to your character? Except! Ciel gets scones that Cain accidentally brought back with him when he returned to the City. >:3]
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