Oct 05, 2012 00:49
I was given a shirt today. It was bought by one of my fellow singers but turned out to be too small for him and he never got around to taking it back to the shop, so he decided to give it to me instead.
The shirt itself isn't one I'd usually buy, since it has a sort of floral paisley pattern on it. I have a weird hang-up about wearing images of flowers. It doesn't seem very manly to me. But then again, I suppose flowers are better than images of trauma and murder so it could be worse. And the underlying colour of the shirt is black, which is fairly masculine.
So I think I'm going to wear this shirt to work tomorrow. I'll see if it garners any comments. And then I'll probably disagree with whatever comments it gets, because I'm a contrary old git.
Of course, with this shirt being black I could probably wear it when I next visit the Deal or No Deal studios. I wasn't there to see Perminder's game today though in which she won £6000.