Well, Here I Am.

Oct 20, 2007 12:52

Oberlin is officially out for Fall Break, and I'm out of Ohio and in Kentucky. Go ahead and get your 'no big improvement' jokes out of the way. I'll say this for certain: my bed at Oma and Opa's house is infinitely more comfortable than my bed at the dorm.

The trip was almost perfect. I got on the road a few minutes early, the traffic wasn't bad at all, and I swept right on through check-in and security, arriving at the gate with plenty of time to spare. I snagged a Crunch Bar and a Stephen Colbert book from the shop. And then, not three minutes after I got off the phone telling Mom how smoothly everything was going, they changed the sign from On Time to Delayed. I ended up waiting almost two extra hours; fortunately, it was a really short flight.

Now I know I haven't been able to get in touch with you all as much as I'd have liked these past few weeks. So, a few highlights:

* Lots of excellent theatre going on in and around Oberlin. I saw an excellent production of How I Learned to Drive, a Brecht-esque play about incest and pedophilia, and then I went down to Cleavland with my Page to Stage class to see a professional production of Measure for Measure. It was very modern/1984 styled, with surveillance cameras, and scene changes performed by the prison guards with military precision.
* On my way back to the dorm after How I Learned to Drive, I saw an albino squirrel. (Cue terror from Michael O'Brien.)
* Then there's the theatre I'm in. Backwords went up last weekend, a series of truly excellent one acts, by turns hilarious, thought-provoking and outright disturbing. I was in The Ten-Minute Joke with one of my closest theatre friends at Oberlin, Moze Halperin. He's totally insane, which worked really well with the production, since our script could best be described as 'Waiting for Godot and/or Rosencratz and Guildenstern are Dead in a Bar'. The real highlight of the night was the final one-act, Trash Talkers, a truly hilarious play chronicling the downfall of 'The Federal Office of Excess Verbiage', an organization tasked with destroying unneeded words/bullshit. It ends with all three of the actors reverting to chimpanzees as 'Also Sprach Zarathustra'  swelled in the background.
*Safer Sex Night. Where else but Oberlin would sex education involve a massive dance party, costumes to make Mardi Gras  look like a Quaker meeting, masses of free condoms, and Harry Potter porn? (I'm very irritated  about the cliffhanger--I wanted to hear about the threesome!)
* Rehearsals have begun for our school's production of Measure for Measure, in which I am playing the role of Barnadine. Only one scene, but its the funniest in the play: I am an inmate at the prison, and it's intended that my head be substituted for the condemned lover, Claudio. However, I declare that I am far too drunk to be executed. "I will not consent to die this day, that's certain! If you have anything to say to me, come to my ward, for thence will I not today!"
* LARP is lots of fun, plain and simple.
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