Nov 05, 2006 16:09
The theme of this weekend has been IT weekend. went down a few weeks ago and I've been intermittently trying to fix it, but eventually gave up and decided I need to get all the data off. But I was dreading that as well, since dealing with Linux is always more painful than it should be.
The problem this time was mounting a logical volume on a different machine. I'm sure these confer some benefits some kernel hacker could extol to me for hours on end between WoW campaigns, but my other computer appeared to think it was a drive with no filesystem. Not cool. Eventually I got it mounted with a single command, but it was confirmation that Linux is still someone's graduate student project and not something I want to deal with on a daily basis.
I think the computer failure will work out well, though. I'll get off-site backup, I won't pay an extra $20/month for static IP, and I won't have to go back to Fry's to buy more computer parts to fix an 8 year old computer. And it'll probably be faster, for those of you who've been complaining :)