
Oct 13, 2007 22:04

You want to know why fire flows in my veins,
What makes me want to shout profanities at strangers
Enriching the vocabularies of toddlers with multisyllabic filth
And I cannot answer you.

I cannot tell you why I can find humor in every conceivable human tragedy.
Maybe because I have lived; and both endured and caused it myself -- 
Every crap job, every broken heart, self-inflicted wounds, all.

I could tell you that colors have vibrations,

And I want to feel more

So I prefer that which better absorbs all colors

Acting like an amplifier, charging me with the essence of full-spectrum light.

I can tell you I feel an affinity with those things and concepts misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misrepresented.

The saint of one religion is the heretic of another

And I like playing both sides of philosophical arguments against the middle.

I walk my path, a divine spark trapped in a monkey meat suit.

I was born, I live, I’ll die.

I know that reality is subjective.

I enter a virtual world daily.

With the power of my mind I can affect the livelihood of others thousands of miles away.

With a mouse-click, I can make the $5 tip

(that you earned pandering to THAT BITCH! For two hours, being on your best behavior, smiling through the shit she’s feeding you, finding fault with everything you do, and with the food you’ve brought her, but don’t take it personally)

Just disappear.

But I won’t.

I’ve been there.

I may’ve sat on my ass for nine hours, but you’ve been on your feet for twelve

And I know you need that tip so you can pick up some ramen before heading back to the trailer park.

Just know that whenever I eat out, I tip heavy.  I know it’s not your fault; you’re just trying to make the best of a bad situation too.

Know also that when I climb into that too expensive car for that hour commute home I’m going to be having ramen too

Or something in a can from Cheffy B if I’m lucky,

But I digress -

You wanted to know what moves me, and I still can’t tell you

This is the most I’ve written in a while

And this is all I’ve got


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