Thank God!

Oct 07, 2007 13:51

Your Score: Ape!

68 Ape, 27 Old Wrld Monkey, 4 New Wrld Monkey, 18 Lemur

You are a tree swinging, ass shakin ape! Humans are members of this group, though we do not possess the strength or agility of the other apes. We do share such traits as a rotating shoulder (allowing us to swing from our arms), increased intelligence, and a gift for imitation and language acquisition. As with other primate groups, the ecological niches of apes varies greatly; from the polygynous gorillas to the promiscuous bonobos and chimps, to the monogamous gibbons and the solitary orangutans. Male gorillas and orangutans are 2-3 times larger than females, while chimp males are only slightly larger, and bonobo and gibbon males are about the same in size as females. Because we apes are so closely related, the non-human apes often exhibit similar behavior - hunting, tool-making, and war-making in chimpanzees, laugh grunts in the great apes, sex for pleasure, and homosexual behavior in bonobos.
Link: The Which Kind of Primate Are You Test written by elfpower on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test 
If I pulled 'monkey' I'd hafta kill myself.
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