i haven't written in my journal in a bit. gigantic things in my life lately. within a week i was promoted to management and got engaged. it's really nice to not have to worry about money however as a manager i miss recruiting and feel sometimes like an overpaid babysitter/client punching bag.
i never ever thought in my wildest dreams that i would be getting married. in my case at least i believe it just took the right person. i suppose it was just the absurd lemons i was dating that drove me towards thinking happiness in a relationship wasn't possible.
i've been writing with a new singer for a year now and finally have full members to start a full band (again) for the umpteenth time. i feel my song writing is the strongest it's ever been and i also have a beautiful budding home studio that i am very proud of. in the long run it's going to pay for itself as we can record for as long as we want to for free. we are playing our first show on feb. 23rd at the empty bottle in chicago which will be my first real show in the city. i'm really excited about music for the first time in a very, very long time.