Oct 01, 2004 02:09
Ok, they aren't.
Man, It's nice to earn good cash for a couple hours work, eat some kickass ribs, and watch Bush (or Smirky McChimp as I'll refer to him) publicly hang himself on live T.V. while my co-workers chant, "That's right! Kick his ass!" If only we could have had a beer as well.
All Kerry had to do was be direct and keep cool. If Clinton were part of that debate, they'd be dragging Smirky's battered hide out on a stretcher. And if the press claims that Bush won the debate, the term "liberal media" should be put on hiatus thru this election, if not outright retired.
Even the 43% of the country that still thinks Saddam played a direct hand in 9/11 had to see that Bush is not a leader. For anyone who missed it, when Bush left the stage and Kerry was still on, a large section of the crowd cheered for Mr. Flip Flopper.
He may not be the best option, but he's better the guy we got now. Git 'em boy', git 'em!