May 06, 2007 20:12
It wasn't as good as the second or first ones, but I still liked it a lot. Of course the effects were awesome, but Peter was an ass for most of the movie (except when he went all evil and freakish. I liked him then :P) and he was such a geek I wanted to hit him very hard. MJ should have slapped him - he certainly deserved it. Otherwise, the action scenes were heart-stopping and the ending made me cry. Something bad always happens to the character I like. *tear*
But the best scene EVER was the French Maître d’ dude. He had the theatre in perpetual giggles and entirely undermined the drama going on between MJ and Peter. Honestly, the Maître d’ reminded me of Monty Python. It was great. =D
The previews probably ruined everything for me, because it took away all my fangirl squeeishness. First there was PotC 3, and of course that alone would have been enough, but no, they continue with Shrek 3, Rush Hour 3 (I'm not a fan of this series, but the preview was hilarious and everyone in the theatre laughed at the French jokes - yeah, you can tell this was in Ontario for sure), then .... then they played the Order of the Phoenix trailer and I was lost. I almost fell out of my seat with happiness.
I will need to separate myself from the Potterverse if I am to survive until July.
real life,