Jul 18, 2008 19:15
This being my last summer before I surrender to the world of hard labor and minimum wage, I had decided to go through with doing whatever it was that I wanted to do. Contrary to what seems to be the new rule that you have to be drunk/high to have a good time, I'm still way to prudish to throw all caution to the wind and let my guard down in a room full of people. So instead I go with the less destructive alternative, ala karaoke. (that's how to spell it huh...)
I dare you to name one person who doesn't love a darkened room and pitch-less singing. People make an amazing amount of people wanting to sing in front of an audience, because it's freaking fifty bucks an hour just to rent a freaking room and sit in their couches and sing into their freaking mics. However, after the money issues were solved. Everything cruises.
I personally love to perform, natural exhibitionist that I am, give me a mic and an attentive audience and I'm in heaven Y'all. We started with eleven people, and as the hours past our number grew bigger. So I think at the end there was around 18 people crammed into the regular karaoke room. (there was no way we were going to pay an extra ten dollars an hour just for a bigger room and more couches, we like being crowded and hot.)
Neighhh, god I'm hoarse (lol see what I did there) Summer is progressing slowly in a way that only summer can progress. Still wonderfully liberated and awesome in all ways though. I don't want to grow up, I don't want to go back to school and start looking out for my future. Bahhh
I like my parents cooking and cleaning and working to pay for my expenses, me going out with my friends and still in love with the world and all it's experiences.
Alot of people around me seem to want to grow up really fast, bragging about sex and drugs and getting hung over, but why?? There's time for all of that later, it'll be more fun to have sex with experienced partners, and it's better to get drunk with people and then have something to do than just sit in your parents basement playing spin the bottle.
Been there, done that. Not even that fun, it's simple and bored and loses it's luster after just one night.
So I'll take movie nights with my girlfriends, flirting with skater boys at the skatepark and singing karaoke like nobody is looking.
growing up