Day 8 of not smoking

Nov 01, 2011 21:22

I think I have figured out what time I struggle the most with the want of a cigarette. When I actually get home from work and catch up on all the stuff online. After that, I usually ask Ron if he wants to go outside for a cigarette. But there is no cigarette. ::cries::... I will be okay. Not so much the craving of the nicotine, but the comfort of the cigarette I miss. Still wearing the patches everyday. I have not given in and it has been over a week now. Though, I won't lie.. I do look longingly at stores that I know sell cigarettes. Will.. not... give.. in! Thank Gods they don't have ads on TV for Cigarettes anymore! I remember them from when I was a kid. Still not past the point of thinking of them. This past weekend I was riding in the car with Ron and he asked me what I was thinking about because I was so quiet and looking out the window. My answer? " Cigarettes".. ::laughs:: It will take some more time, I think. The the booklet that came with my patches tells me I have to be on this one for 6 weeks and then the lowest dose for 2 weeks. When I first read that, while I was still smoking that is, I thought that was a long time... nope.. I can totally understand it now.

Anyway, dinner time.. thought I would write this all out so at least there is less of a chance of caving.
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