(no subject)

Nov 14, 2005 01:49

Tell me people change.
You can't change people just cause you want to.
No matter how much you want to.

It's just not fair.

Having said that, if you don't change them, the shoe is on the other foot.
They must then change you.
And that's not fair either.

I've always worked with the principle of self sacrifice for the greater good...
Don't disadvantage the majority over the minority.
Is that right or is that wrong?

Its right in the sense that it achieves exactly what it sets out to.

I just realised my life is a lesson in utilitarianism...
"The greatest happiness for the greatest number."

I'm going to read Bertrand Russell's (famous Utilitarian, btw) History of Western Philosophy tomorrow on the train to Sydney. Along with... "other" books...

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