Elevating Politics

Jan 10, 2011 01:16

 I think we can all agree here in America that our political system is broken, corrupt and full of finger-jabbers (on both sides of the political spectrum). Everyone is arguing until they are red in the face, but nothing is being solved. I see so many conversations dissolving from rational discussion into hypocritical name-calling, while our infrastructure is falling to pieces around us! Something has to change.

This website, Elevating Politics, is still very much in the Beta stage (developed right in my living room!), but wherever you stand--left, right, or somewhere in the middle--the place we need to be going is UP...so take a look, and maybe share some thoughts. This isn't a huge step, yet, but if even a few people start to treat conflicting views with more acceptance, we can see ourselves as one people working for the good of everyone, not two groups throwing rocks over an insurmountable gorge. :)

enlightenment, politics

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