Supernatural 30 Day Challenge

Sep 17, 2013 17:01

Day Three: Favourite Season?

For this I am basing my decision on the overall season arcs, and the winner is SEASON FOUR. For the following reasons:

1. I love a mystery! There is so much that gets slowly revealed thru the season - what happened to Dean in Hell, what Sam is up to with Ruby, the angels' true agenda, whether Ruby and Cas are allies for the boys or not, and maybe most of all, how will the boys find their way back to each other? All of this is paced wonderfully through the season. Every revelation feels like it happens at the right time.

2. Its dark. Fuck its dark. Dean as torturer, Sam as demon blood drinker, and demon lover, the boys' estrangement and despair.

3. The boys grow up and so does the Show. Dean and Sam are undoubtedly adults now, and I love that the time apart challenged them both in different ways. I feel we really get inside the characters this season, as they are laid bare for us.

4. The introduction of the angels, something not originally planned by Kripke, is handled brilliantly. They are powerful and scary, and its soon obvious there are many bad shenanigans going on Heavenside. We have both Michael loyalists and the Lucifer followers like Uriel wanting to free Lucifer for different reasons, we have the rebels like Anna, unseen black ops divisions (hi Naomi) who "reprogram" angels, and in amongst all of this Castiel.

5. For much of the season its unclear whether Ruby or Castiel can be trusted or whether they are allies. While much of Ruby's motivations and character arc is hidden by necessity to serve the mystery of what she's really up to, we get a wonderful exploration of Cas' growing "humanity" and conflict with Heaven.

6. And two of my fav sex scenes in Supernatural - Dean/Anna is for me the most erotic so far, and the Sam/Ruby is so dark and full of Sam's self loathing - and its hot!
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