Look at your LJ "interests" list. If you have less than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.
I only have 18 and don't think i'll have much to say for some of them so will cover them all here :)
angst ~ cos who hasn't been a whiny teenager? It's good to get it off your chest once in a while.
books ~ If i could get paid to read, i would be in heaven. I read avidly, except when i'm stressed and then i can't focus or enjoy it the way i normally do. Leaving the cleaning job has freed me up enough that i've devoured 2 books in the last 24 hours and am feeling much more my old, bookworm self =D
cake ~ cos who doesn't love cake?
city of heroes ~ the first (and really only) mmorpg i've got into. Again, something i enjoy spending my free time on and something i can do with Al. Also, have made a few friends through the game which is always nice, even if i've never met them in the flesh :)
firefly ~ the first tv show that i truly fell in love with. I love the ship, i love the crew, i love the words. So much love. Always makes me feel better to watch an episode.
flexuality ~ acquired this word from
slartibartfast and really like it. It describes that fluid sexuality that (i believe, anyway) flows through all of us - the way that sexual labels are kinda silly cos they don't apply, not 100% of the time. She can explain far more eloquently than i, but it is a great word and sex is always interesting!
happy ~ cos i like it when happy things happen, especially to the people i care about :)
herb lore ~ more of a wish than an actual interest. I have a few books on the subject and am loving growing my own culinary herbs. Something i will hopefully work more with as i get older. I'd love a proper herb garden!
labyrinth ~ probably my favourite film ever. Al argues that Princess Bride should take this place, but Princess Bride doesn't have David Bowie's ever expanding crotch :p
love ~ much like happy, i love being in love and love when other people are happily/ecstatically in love too
music ~ this used to be 'alternative music' because my general preferance is for punk or metal, but my tastes broaden like an over-flowing lake. I tend to joke that i like women who can sing and men who can't - Joss Stone and Christina Aguilera being nice examples on the first list and Rob Zombie standing out on the second. Of course, he has a wonderfully powerful voice but it's not singing the same way as i'd normally define it. Despite Al's best efforts i still don't have a great love for any genre of dance music - i quite enjoy some but can't distinguish between most of the rest and really don't like some of them. I also am not a fan of a lot of modern R&B, though find most modern pop more harmless than offensive.
rantage ~ this is intrinsically tied in with angst
recipes ~ i love food and enjoy cooking if i know roughly what i want the end result to be.
roleplay ~ roleplay has been a big part of my life since the staff at games workshop took me under their collective wings and introduced me to the gritty and exciting world of ShadowRun (we started in Buffy, playing ourselves, and then i was whisked off to play with the adults, as 'twere). It's how i met Al and many of my closer friends over the years, and it's helped tie me closer to many people i would otherwise have let drift out of my life.
sci-fi/fantasy ~ as a genre for books, music, films, tv... I grew up reading Ursula le Guin and JRR Tolkein and Alan Garner and Susan Cooper and Philip K Dick and watching Star Trek and Narnia and The Forbidden Planet and Logan's Run. It's been a fantastic shaping influence on my life.
supernatural ~ like Firefly, i knew very quickly into watching this show that i was going to develop an obsession for it. I can't put my finger on what sets these two shows apart from all the others i've loved over the years, but there's something.
theatre ~ I made my boyfriend drive me 200miles to see a play... ok, so several friends were involved in it and it was one we both wanted to see, based on a book we both love but still... I don't get to go to the theatre nearly enough. I love everything about it - backstage, onstage, in the audience. I've never been front of house but even that appeals to me. The only thing i don't like so much is the bitchiness between cast members that seem inevitable though i'm not sure why - too many expansive personalities in too small a place maybe?
words ~ i'm fascinated by language and etymology and the sounds of certain words. I'm curious about the fact that, despite the rich language we've inherited, it can still be so hard to explain what you mean at times - that the right words are either elusive or just plain absent.
Anyway, back on to some coursework. =D