oh, I've been busy trying to finish things up for my move into my first real apartment. for some reason I got the bug to make some handkerchiefs after finishing up embroidering a pillowcase.
sorry about the bad lighting... it keeps storming...
the design is from... somewhere, honestly I forget, I can't find the pattern, and its been a few months since I started on it.
close up of the birds.
hankie design I drew up... yes, its a bunny riding a bear. its a long story.
a fox and a puppy on another hankie I made. martha pullen's website has some nice batiste
this kinda has a story. I have a whole stack of hankies that generations of family members have made over time, some are about 100 years old. alot have an edging crocheted directly onto the fabric, the crochet finishing the edge rather then it being sewn. I tried it myself using a size 12 steel crochet hook and tatting threat. penny for scale.
super simple embroidery on same hankie
thanks for looking guys, I might end up making more of these soon enough