Aug 25, 2004 14:21
Wow so its kinda amusing watching people write worthless notes in me. Why don't get some balls and say the shit to my face...always found it to work better that way..guess they are just to pussy to identify themselves considering they have to b anonymous. Cool kids...damn. *smiles*
You'll get your dose later today..:) sucks for you
Anyway, ended up staying up late last night so of coarse i called Adan. (what can i say? i couldn't contain myself!) I was talking to Mary before hand so he just beeped through...and i called the frist time but Bobby answered and said Adan was in the shower. *yummy (lol)*
Got off the phone with Mary, talked to Adan. Was amused by the 'doggie' noises and then we decided to three way call Mary so she could b amused with us. That lasted for quite awhile.
Showed my poem off to some people and they said it was really good. Although i am thinking people are on to me now.
Hung up with Mary after awhile and went to my room to talk to Adan in private and alone...told him the entire sittuation about something....felt bad but at the same time i didnt because it was only the truth. So glad he cares about me :).
Went to sleep about five and woke up today around 2. Lots of sleep yay! Tonight i gotta sleep early....i just HAVE to.
Thats all for now...ttyl.
This is the color salmon everyone. LOL