2008 - Fics I Wrote This Year

Dec 30, 2008 13:27

I've been thinking of doing this sort of thing for a while now, and I decided since I'm just sitting here in Savannah, Georgia without much else to do I might as well get it done now. Especially since tomorrow is the last day of 2008. ^^

I've made an organized list of all the stuff I wrote in 2008 (well, not including essays) and linked to them under the cut. If you missed any, feel free to read them and comment. Or if you did read them all, read them again and comment if you didn't the first time. Haha, you know it's never too late to get comments on your writing. XD

My comments on the fics are in italics.

Great Wall of China (Amber/Thirteen, R?)

It's fitting I think that my first fic in 2008 would be one that was never even finished, and that's what this is. I signed up for the prompt from the 2nd round of get_house_laid, after my first fic for that challenge was a success. This one here, not so much. I just started disliking it a lot as it went along, but I'm not sure why. I'm linking to it anyway, because I had it as private before but now it's for my flist's eyes only. I never got Amber and Thirteen to the getting laid part, but I still think you can read it the way it is. Even it's not very good. :/

An End to Homophobia (Research Paper)

This isn't a fic, but it's the only thing I have posted on my LJ that I wrote in the month of April. It's one of those boring papers I had to write for school, yes, but I think I did a good job overall going through the reasons why homophobia is such a threat to society. If you are at all interested in gay rights take a look. It is also locked.

Hard Wood (House/Wilson, NC-17)

Already half-way through the year, and finally it is my first actual completed fanfic! This was inspired by a late night convo with my friend Ley. I told her I had the urge to write but needed some ideas. She mentioned something with House/Wilson and House's cane. This is what emerged, a dialogue-only smut fic. I am proud of this one, as I wrote it from about midnight to 2 in the morning but managed to come up with some pretty clever lines, if I do say so myself. Plus it was the first (and so far only?) smutty H/W fic I have written. It also helped me a lot with dialogue since that was the area of fic-writing that I was lacking in before.

Bedhead (Stephen Drew/Laura Drew, R)

This was a year for a lot of firsts, apparently. This fic was my first real person fic. I signed up for baseball100 soon after, so there were more to come. But I am really happy for this first one. Again this was one of many fics that was inspired by conversations with Ley. She wanted an aggressive Laura and I tried to deliver for her. I ended up loving my characterization of Laura, even though she is a woman I have never met before in my life. But any woman good enough for Stephen must be an amazing person. ^^

Spencers (Stephen/Laura, NC-17)

This is really Ley's fic. I just edited it for her and wrote the ending. But I wanted to link to it anyway so I could promote it some more. This one was a blast to write. It's about Stephen and Laura first meeting in college, but I found out soon afterward that they were actually high school sweethearts. Ah well, I still love this fic. And who says art has to imitate life?

Look Ma, It's Not Red Sox Slash! (Stephen Drew/Chris Snyder, PG-13)

This one is pretty harmless slash wise, because I just don't like making happily straight guys suddenly completely gay. But after Stephen's groin pull injury, this was just dying to be written. Plus Ley loves Snyder, so I had to include him for her sake. :) Don't be thrown off by the title. I was just so tired of the ENDLESS AMOUNT OF RED SOX SLASH and hardly any for any other team.

Caught (Eric Byrnes/Conor Jackson, Stephen Drew, PG-13)

I don't have much to say about this one. It was written for my baseball100 table, as well as for a request for cinderlily to do some Bynres/Jackson. I do like this fic, there's just not much else to say about it, lol. It's a short one.

Dugout (Mark Reynolds/Stephen Drew, PG)

I very nearly missed this one! Apparently I only posted this on the baseball100 community, which wasn't very bright. But that's why I'm doing this meme, right? So you can see all my fics in one place. Aaaanyways, this was the very start of my little fake Reynolds/Drew universe that I love so much. Many fics would follow it, and I'm still going. I love the idea of the pairing even though it's completely not possible in real life. But that's what writing fiction is for.

Thanks for the Memories (Mark Reynolds/Greg Smith, R)

This time I was inspired to write this fic from many conversations with Holly about Mark Reynolds. It's all her fault for me falling in love with him. I will continue to blame her for that. But I can't be mad, because I absolutely love this fic. It's one of my favorites from the whole year.

3 Drabbles: Diamond, Here Comes the Bride, and Bereavement (Stephen Drew & Laura Drew, G)

Short little ficlets for baseball100. Posted on my writing LJ for my baseball fics.

Sunflower Seeds (Reynolds/Drew, PG)

Choices (Reynolds/Drew, PG-13)

Hey Jealousy (Reynolds/Drew, PG-13)

Drink (Reynolds/Drew, R)


Anti-Packers (Mark Reynolds, Chris Snyder, Stephen Drew, PG)

Just written last week during the Monday night football game when the Packers played the Bears. Ley was upset because the Packers were winning, so I wrote this to cheer her up. And wouldn't you know, the Bears ended up winning in over time. So, yay!

Untitled (How Does It Feel) (Foreman/Thirteen, House/Thirteen, R)

It's hard to pick a favorite, but this has to be my favorite thing I've written all year (appropriate that it's the last thing I wrote, huh?) I think this fic shows how much I have improved in my writing over the last year or so. It's still not perfect, but it's definitely getting better. I'm not one to blast my own horn, but this is a fic that I personally would enjoy reading. And that's what I try to do with all my writing; create something that I myself would love to read.

As you can see from my list, no fics were written in November, as that's when I was writing my Nano, obviously. I would have included my novel here, but I actually never got around to finishing it even though I made it past the 50,000 word mark. Once my novel is actually finished I will post it for anyone who is interested, even though it will be crap (so be warned).

While doing that, I was reminded that you, xcacophony, never quite got around to commenting on those Mark Reynolds fics. LOL! I'm just teasing you. ;)

fanfiction, memes, writing

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