Another week, another temp job. I'm finding I learn a lot at these things. For example, at my last one for the Barney's New York Warehouse sale, I learned that whoever thought that techno remixes are a good idea should be shot. As should whoever let Jessica Simpson butcher Pat Benatar. So, uh, yeah, music really does affect my physically. Maybe it comes from so many years of dancing, or maybe that's why I dance, I don't know. But just as good music makes me music-gasm, bad music makes me physically ill.
And now this job. Just a week, helping out with phones while people are on vacation. It's an escrow office. Not too many phone calls to field, actually, so I've had a lot of downtime. The first couple of days, I didn't bring anything to do, so I read the People Magazines laying around in the office. And you know what I realized? I really feel sorry for these celebrities. Seriously. They take a piss, and everyone knows about it! Of course, some get more attention than others, and the ones that do actually tend to be the ones I care LEAST about. Britney Spears, the Simpson girls, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise and Kate....whatzherface. And, of course, their children. Which is stupid. Go after the kids and you risk waking the momma and poppa bears protecting their cubs.
But even if they didn't drag the kiddies into it, I just...don't care which beach they spent the Fourth of July, or who they schmoozed it up with at P-Diddy's yacht party, or just how so-and-so is trying to smooth things over with the wife that they cheated on or what over-priced rags they were wearing to the latest award show. It's not my business. But these poor people can't do ANY of it without it being all over the magazines. Can't they let these peoples' private lives be....private? I mean, it's just sad.
More constructively, I've worked through two skeins of yarn for an afghan I'm working on. I'd have completed more, but I ran out of yarn. And, I finished Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. Been trying to get through that for like, over a year now, but had to put it down for whatever reason, and the next time I picked it back up had to start over again because it had been so long. So yeah, finally got through that, cover to cover and it's wonderful! I'm now waiting for the movie to come out. Or the sequel, whichever comes first.
Seriously, though, the whole time I was like, "Okay, who could be Richard, and who could be Islington, etc., etc." and picturing the movie trailers. I think I could see Michelle Rodriguez as Hunter. Admittedly, I pictured Hunter as taller and with more...poise, maturity, and worldly know-how than Michelle usually brings across. But I think with the right direction she could pull it off. She really is a better actress than movies like Blue Crush and The Fast and the Furious give her credit for. On the other hand, the character does snuff it at the end, and I really hate seeing Michelle die, especially since the characters she does play that kick the bucket are usually my faves. (Ana Lucia and Rain, I'm looking at you!) And also, I see Hunter as someone everyone should have respect for, even when she does turn traitor. That particular part might be difficult for Michelle, especially since she tends to be the kind of person people either love or hate. But if she could pull it could be amazing! Anyway, highly recommend it. Meantime, I've got Gaiman's Stardust at home to tide me over.