Fic: Sometimes Change is a Good Thing

Jan 05, 2009 21:52

Title: Sometimes Change is a Good Thing
Author: misswitch
Rating: Oh, pretty much safe for everyone
Pairing: The Doctor (11)/Donna
Summary: The Doctor looks at the bright side of regeneration

Author’s Note: Just a bit of fluff really that popped into my head and would. not. get. out. Unbeta’d, so any mistakes are mine, and mine alone.

Regeneration was such a funny thing.

The Doctor turned his head from side to side so that he could get a better view of the face that would be greeting him in the mirror for a while. He was a bit disappointed that he still wasn’t ginger, but he supposed he’d get over it.

The hair was a bit scruffy, he decided, leaning in for a closer look. But that could be fixed in time. It always took a bit of time to get used to each regeneration, to learn all the little ins and outs of a new body. This one would be no exception.

But a new face had its positives. The Doctor grinned as he fixed the collar on his blazer. He hadn’t quite settled on his new look, but this would do for the time being. Besides, it wouldn’t do to get into a rut too early on.

However, no matter how often the face and body changed, the hearts always remained the same. The love and the losses, happiness and pain - those were things that never changed.

With a grin, he strode out of the TARDIS into the sunlit street. He loved how Earthlings just ignored anything that was out of the ordinary, including a man stepping out of a blue box. He strode down the street to an outdoor café.

There she was, just as he remembered, sitting at a table. Her head was bent over a book, her red hair gleaming in the sun. He watched her for a moment, just taking in the sight of her.

Yes, regeneration was a funny thing. As was time travel.

Pretending to look around casually, he caught a glimpse of his younger self, tall and thin, wrapped in the brown trench coat from Janis Joplin. How could he have known, all those years ago, when he watched a young stranger walk up to Donna, his Donna and fast talk his way into sitting at her table, that he was in fact seeing something he’d never hoped for.

It was true that Donna Noble could never remember the Doctor or their travels together, but now, he was literally a new man. A man who could spend as much time as he wanted with her.

The Doctor grinned as he strode toward her table.

The best part was that he already knew that by the end of the night, he’d get to kiss her again.

doctor who, fic

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