If you want to read about the other six authors included in the upcoming Elementary Erotica collection (of erotic steampunk Sherlock Holmes stories), check out
their bios on the Sex In Sepia blog, which run by the collection's editor J. Blackmore. Since I write under a pen-name, my bio is quite succinct and boring, but I really cannot include personally identifying details in case anyone I know stumbles across Elementary Erotica. And besides, that's always what I imagined my bio would be on a book jacket, if I am ever lucky enough to be published in print.
I don't know exactly when Elementary Erotica will be published, but hopefully soon. I know that Ms. Blackmore plans to promote the book with more teasers on her blog, and maybe some cover art will make an appearance soon.
Oh, if you are a regular here, you may have noticed I changed the header graphic. No more little Valentine heart with House and Wilson Photoshopped together. I changed it because Ms. Blackmore requested a link for her blog, and in case anyone drifts over from
Sex in Sepia, I didn't want them to wonder what this LJ has to do with Sherlock Holmes.
You may be dissappointed to know that I am writing lots of Sherlock Holmes porn for a collection of stories that I intend to self-publish, if I can find a vanity press that will agree to print it, being as Sherlock Holmes is widely believed to be copyrighted by Andrea Plunkett (she actually does not hold the copyright, but she thinks she does, and most vanity presses want to avoid any potential trouble). I am hoping the prevalance of Holmes pastiche already in print will be sufficient to convince a vanity press to work with me. After all, Laurie King has probably made a small fortune from her Holmes pastiche, and she hasn't been snagged by Plunkett's lawyers, so what are the chances that the few copies I might sell would draw their ire?
As to whether I will write more House/Wilson slash, yeah, sure, I expect I'll always return to that, but right now I'm having lots of fun with my Holmes porn, since the Victorian style suits me so well. Sorry I cannot post it, but the idea is to eventually sell copies and you know the old axiom about why buy the cow? But I appreciate any of the f-list who haven't given up on my sporadically-updated LJ!