I'm very happy to report that
Circlet Press wants to include my short story in their upcoming "
Elementary Erotica" collection of Sherlock Holmes stories set in a steampunk universe. Although it will be an e-book and not a conventional printed book, it is still quite an accolade for me because I've always considered myself a slash fanfic writer of plotless masturbatory aids. I mean, there's nothing wrong with masturbatory aids, but I'm just a little surprised that the Circlet editor found enough substance in my Holmes story to include it. I had been planning to post it here on my journal, but I can't do that until the e-book is published.
My lengthy story, which was edited by two long-time members of my f-list, is called "Notes upon the Use of Electrical Vibration in the Treatment of Hysterics." It is narrated by Watson, as are almost all of the original Canon stories. He describes his adventures treating a female patient for nervous hysteria, using the latest in Victorian medical technology, the electric vibrator. I snuck in the steampunk element by portraying Holmes as a tinkerer who modifies the vibrator to be easier to self-administer the treatments. If you've ever seen pictures of the bulky 19th century vibrators, you would understand why someone would want to mod them.
I've portrayed Watson as solidly bisexual, so there are some heterosexual sex scenes - rather unusual for me. I've written Holmes to be completely gay. That is sure to ruffle some feathers - most people seem to want them to be straight or gay, but never bi. But it's hard to believe Watson as entirely homosexual - his "experience of women which extends over many nations and three separate continents" would seem to preclude that. Of course, Holmes is also explicitly described as asexual in the Canon, but I've chosen to conveniently ignore that as a mere cover-up for his true nature.
So that's given me a bit of inspiration and I may submit another story to
Cleis Press, if I can edit it down to 1,200 words for their "gay quickies" anthology.
Meanwhile, I haven't written much House/Wilson lately, and I know that the bulk of my f-list came to my LJ for my House fics, but my interests have expanded. I'd really like to do a Chuck/Casey fic from NBC's spy-fi comedy Chuck. I've always crushed on
Adam Baldwin, ever since he was the tough kid in My Bodyguard. And I'd like to continue my Holmes stories and see about self-publishing them. The market for Holmes erotica is a pretty small one, but I am hoping to find a vanity press that will publish it - not so easy, since many people are under the impression that the Holmes character is copyright-protected - and that isn't too pricey, and also will get me an ISBN so I can sell on Amazon.
Thanks for sticking with my LJ although it's so infrequently updated. I do have a couple of fan-fics in the works so do check back once a month or so and maybe I'll surprise you with something new.