Apr 26, 2007 15:48

What the fuck is wrong with this state?!?!? Ever since I've been here, I've been astounded at the amount of BS you have to put up with to get the simplest things done. Hooking up utilities, for instance, or getting cable service, or getting your vehicle registered, even trying to get a blasted library card is like pulling dogs teeth! Now I realize I'm a bit of a city slicker, but give me a break...

Well, now I'm having to deal with twice the normal bullshit because I'm trying to change my name, but today the DMV just took the cake. Now no one likes a trip to the DMV, especially not when you're trying to take care of your business on your lunch break and there's a line and the clerk is moving at a snail's pace... So granted I was already kinda sour when I got to the desk but it's not like I just started off being a bitch. But right off the bat, this lady A) is still moving at a snail's pace B) scowling at me and C) taking this I-can't-believe-I-have-to-actually-do-my-job attitude. First she snaps at Tad because he was holding my envelope full of documents. But then, the straw that broke the camel's back was when I asked her for my old license back because I still need it. All she had to say was no. Okay, so maybe I fucked up what order in which I'm supposed to be doing all this name change shit but can you blame me? I have about 20 different things that need changed and all of them require something different to get it done. Anyway, I told her this and she still just says "No", doesn't even look up at me. Finally I manage to get some half assed explanation out of her but she's already working on the form so I'm just like whatever, I figured I'd just have to figure something else out to finish the name change shit. Well she gets done with the marriage license and by now I am a pretty pissed so I snatch it from her and start putting it away. She stops what she is doing (keep in mind here, folks, that there is still a line), and starts arguing with me and lecturing me about how rude that was of me!!! WHEN SHE COULDN'T EVEN TREAT ME LIKE A PERSON FOR ONE SECOND OUT OF THE 10 MINUTES I'VE BEEN STANDING THERE!!! All I could do was stare at her for a few seconds. Rather than just finishing what the hell she's doing she starts looking like you-wanna-take-this-out-in-the-parking-lot? I couldn't fucking believe it. I took a deep breath to calm myself and asked her to please continue. Does she? NO!!!! She keeps arguing with me!!! Finally she kind just throws the rest of my stuff down on the counter and tells me to come back later. And let me tell you I was more than happy to just walk the fuck away before jumped right over the fucking counter and cut her throat with her stupid snatched paper!

So yeah, I'm still in shock that a public employee was so openly rude and hostile. I realize we're kind redneck around here, but there is no excuse for that. Needless to say, I will be going to Columbus to get my new license. Oh yeah, and Tad is going to report her, cuz guess what? Although she never did get to entering any of my information into the computer, or pulling my information up, she did give me back the form that she had written her name and badge number on!!!
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