Jun 22, 2010 21:51
I have a job! It's a temporary job, and it's 4 days a week but it's really interesting and so much less stressful than my old job. I'm working for this charity, as a kind of historical researcher, or something. I don't have an actual job title; I'm reading, cataloguing and organising their archives, which go back to the 1880s. And are also BATSHIT INSANE. It's awesome!
My favourite thing I read today was an article from the late 1890s about concerns about increased drug use. And not even illicit drugs! Things like Epsom salts, table salt, earth and clay. You think we've got problems now, the Victorians were apparently getting high on CLAY. And EARTH. (And from the context I'm fairly sure it's not an euphemism/Victorian street name.)
Other than that, my only other news is that tomorrow I have to go back to the community psychiatric nurse who is ALSO batshit insane. I have to see her first to get referred to other services. I'm hoping to get into some cognitive behaviour therapy so I can learn to be less anxious and obsessive and maybe be able to do things like use a phone without panicking. Alas, last time I saw the nurse she kept INSISTING on calling me Elizabeth, even after I'd corrected her, she started muttering under her breath when I said I had no religion and hadn't been raised in one and ended up printing off a diet plan, which wasn't actually an NHS treatment, but was allegedly endorsed by them. Unfortunately I already eat large amounts of spinach and walnuts of a week and remain anxious so it wasn't overly helpful. And I've read lots of convincing studies that suggest there isn't actually a relationship between omega-3 in your diet and a better mental state so I might pull that one out tomorrow. If I feel confident enough. Instead of continuing to deal with her last time, I chose to fuck off to Venezuela so we'll see what fun times ensue tomorrow!