Nov 19, 2004 21:49
Okay, so...yeah. Bad call made by me, myself and I today. So, I decided to wear flip flops today because some days you can pull it off and it's not so bad... not today! So, the Texan comes walking out of MFHD 210 with flipflops on and it starts SNOWING. Oops.
I survived the week, well kinda, which is a miracle in itself. So, I got the hook up for a job from a friend back home and I went in there on Wednesday to fill out an application, and the guy hires me on the spot. Meanwhile I had 2 tests that started Thursday that I was already worried about before I got a job. Eekers. So, I went in to train Thursday morning, ran to class, took my Chem test right after, and then went back to work, got back at 7:30pm and studied for my MFHD test which I took today. Today, I woke up, studied, went to work, went to class, went back to work and then went to take my MFHD test. So, the past two days I haven't been home from 9am to 7/9pm. Insanity. But I'm hoping since I've survived the past 2 days that I should be able to handle this.... hoping.
The place that I work is The Letter Box, so it's a shipping, packaging, mailing company. That's why their training me hard core right now, so that I can be there when the huge holiday season rush hits. Oh joy. Okay, never ever again get mad at the people at the Post Office or any other mailing thing. Holy molies. Now I understand why it takes them so long to do all that stuff.
Tomorrow, I go in again from open to close, 9am to 3pm. And then I have to write a 10 page paper for MFHD. The prof actually pushed the due date back to after Thanksgiving, but I don't want to do it over the break and I already have a final that I need to study for. So I'm going to have it done by Monday.
But I like working. It's really not as hectic as I thought it was going to be because it takes your mind off school for a while. Granted, things are pretty insane right now but starting in January, after things calm down, I'll only be working 10-15 hours a week. Plus, it makes me feel really good because I'm super productive now and so I do everything more effectively. I'm realising just how much I can handle with the Lord's help. Plus, I'm earning money to pay for college. But I told my boss today that my education is more important to me, so if push comes to shove, it's the job that's gonna go. Because I AM going to get a scholorship next semester. Another nice thing is there's the guy who just bought the company, another girl who is the assistant manager, and then me. So I'm at the top once he starts to hire more people and such. Excellent.
I think that's about all for now. I'm SUPER excited for Thanksgiving although I don't know what days I'll need to be there for work and such. Hmm, we'll have to see about that. And remember all my little buddies: IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS! (my roomie and I even have a christmas chain. excellente.)