May 06, 2008 15:19
So I should have some stuff for you today. I had to look up something about Patroclus' mother for this chapter, and I found out her father was Acastus, whose name I could swear I recognized....and apparently last time I barely even scratched the surface of relationships. Y'know in Harry Potter, how all the purebloods were related, to the point of James being Sirius 3rd cousins or something? Well, apparently 90% of the heroes in mythology are related. Patroclus' great-great-great-great-grandfather is Helios. And interestingly enough, his great-grandfather's name was "Amyntor" (oh, and Phoenix was Amyntor's first child, which makes that guy ancient when the war ends.)
I guess you could sort of consider Alexander the VI to be like a Sirius. He gets killed, and there goes the entire hero-bloodline. Kabam, gone. Half of them were killed by jealous relatives, and the other half were killed in the war--Pyrrhus/Neoptolomus was the only one to survive. Anyway, if I'm ever in a particularly good mood, I'll scan up the family tree.
Um...yeah. That was about all I had to say. I just wanted to before I forgot.