May 05, 2008 13:31
Okay, so this is a (somewhat) random post. So bear with me:
It's rather interesting, the Japanese stereotype of Americans. Apparently we are loud, brash, and every one of us owns a gun. Cause, y'know, we totally aren't required to hold licenses (not). Although, it is true that there is some amount of illegal weapon use, but it's not like this is Nicaragua. And I remember, back when I read Gravitation (ooh...those were the days *shudder*), there was the insane American who was constantly using the most insanely extravagant firearms.
So I was the totally insane person who watched the entire Gundam Wing series in one go (I did break to sleep, though.) And afterward it made me feel like an idiot, cause there was constantly so much stuff happening, and it had all this stuff about wars and stuff, and I could barely comprehend half of it. I sort of wonder whether I should watch some of it again.
The ironic thing is that for years I was steadfastly refusing to watch it at all. I really don't like mecha. However, I have friends that liked it a lot, so after seven years of consciously refusing to have anything to do with it, I gave in. The sad thing about this show was that, since it was one of the very first animes to ever appear in America, half of them sound like they're thirty. Especially Duo. And I was totally shocked that Zechs was only 19.
The other thing was that everyone was convinced that the boys are gay, so I was constantly on the lookout. Quatre shocked me how gay he was for Trowa, what with the whole flute thing, and saying "I really want to see you again" and stuff. And yet, it puzzled me about Heero and Duo--I was raised on those two, so to speak, and yet they hardly have any interaction at all, so I couldn't figure out where people got it from.
So what brought on this entire thing? Well, I watched the Gundam Wing movie, and I was shaking my head at Duo's totally stereotypical American personality. Don't get me wrong, I love Duo. He's got the best Gundam (yes, I know the difference between them o.O), the best hair, the best personality--hell, I just think he's the best. But he's loud, and brash, and has this thing about being the "Shinigami". Hm. And the fact that, in the end, he's the one working in a garbage dump, while you've got a Preventor, a circus guy, and a prince (who knows what happens to Heero...)
Also, Relena is totally in love with Heero, but although he cares about her, he never really stays with her. In fact, for the past year he was living with Duo. Now I see where it all comes from.
And the big mystery of the world: Where does Heero keep his gun? In the series, he's wearing spandex pants, and in the movie it's tight, white jeans. Oh yes, and more than any other character, I am deeply ashamed of his taste in clothes.
What got me on Gundam Wing was the fact that I found a website where I can download whole albums from nearly any anime/game I can think of. I ended up going on a spree.
I thought that I would never fill up my huge number of icon spaces....I'm starting to think that I'm wrong.
Oh, and I'm halfway through the next chapter, so it should be up rather soon. The only problem at this point is that I can only do so much of a stretch at a time. There was one point where I actually gagged. Yeah.
And one more thing: because I have an insanely vivid imagination, I could actually tell you exactly what these characters look like. I'm currently attempting to draw them, but I've never been able to draw what's in my head--my style is too anime/cartoony, so I can't do realism without a picture. I might have to just give in and do my own thing.....
thinking on a tangent