A Hundred Dollars Short

Mar 20, 2011 00:08

I hated today. I thought that maybe, just maybe it would be good. But no, work had to ruin it for me. I get there late because of my grandparents dog didn't want to go on the leash outside. I'm working and doing my job when this couple comes through my line and when we get to where they're suppose to pay me, the food-stamp card isn't working. So, I have to close my line while they make a call, because I can't check anyone out since their purchase is holding the line. Phone rings, I answer. This lady has a question. Well, I didn't know the answer, so I went to ask the manager (Matt) who was just a register away from where I was. He answers the questions for me, but has the red look on his face like 'wtf are you doing?' and he says "Are you leaving that customer waiting?" The customer was the male of the couple, who was just sitting on the bag-wheel while his wife made a call to the food-stamp place. I say no and I tell him the situation and I see him talking to my other manager (Chris), saying something about my pants and Chris laughs. Matt interrupts me and says, "You know, you look extremely tacky stepping on your pants like that." FYI, I'm losing weight and the pants where originally too big for me anyway, so there's the problem. He says, "you should probably dress more properly next time and roll your damn pants up."

I am taken aback. I mean, what the hell? I'm the best cashier they have. No joke, the main manager (Dewayne) has told me so. And he's mad at me because I'm barely grazing my pants with my shoes. I give him this 'seriously?' look and go back to my line, roll up my pants legs and start a conversation with the man who is still waiting for his wife to get off the phone to see why the FS card isn't working. Matt comes over, and sees a long line and yelled to some customers, "She can get you on Line 2." My line. The line that I'm hung up in. I say, "Uh..Matt, excuse me but did you not hear me when I said I was hung up over here?" He glares at me and asks the customer what was going on and he tells Mat everything I had told him just a few moments ago. Matt's pissed at me (I don't see why) and just aborts the transaction and I continue with my job. I avoid him the rest of the day. FYI, he is who played that joke on me that night. If you don't know about it, don't worry about it. It was a mean joke and that night was the night I truly started hating my job.

Later, this man comes through my line and I finish with his order, he gives me his money and when his receipt is printing, it jams. I have to struggle with him and he snaps, "Hurry up, damn it. I have somewhere to be!" I tell him I'm sorry but the receipt won't print. He looks at me and goes, "Stupid girl." and leaves.

Finally, it's 9 and I get to leave, after being there since 12 and I had a horrid headache. Ricky (one of my really good friends there, and even though he was in on that joke too, is actually very nice) is counting down my till and he suddenly says, "Shit, Caitlin...You're a hundred dollars short!" My jaw drops. I mean, seriously?!  I tell him to count it again and he does and hes right. He's not pulling my leg. Well, we call Chris in so he can check and make sure it wasn't in a pickup or something. Lucky, it was and I was only 2 cents over. Figured out that Matt took an extra hundred from my till on mistake when he did a pickup.

Today has just not been my day. I wanted tomorrow to be better, but it doesn't look like it's going to be. If I was really short 100 dollars, I would have been fired. No strikes or anything, just fired right then and there. And when I think of that, I wonder if I should have just been fired. I mean, I hate my job. I hate it. I use to love it, but now I dread walking through the doors. But, I love the money. This. Sucks.

work, bad day

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