First Night Alone

Mar 19, 2011 10:00

Since my grandfather had knee surgery Wednesday, I stayed with my grandmother on Thursday night. She doesn't like to stay by herself, so I said "Why not?" Yesterday morning, at breakfast she told me that she was going to stay ith my granddaddy that night and that if I wanted to stay another night to watch Duke the dog, then I could. I jumped at the chance. I mean, I'm 18 years old and I had never stayed anywhere by myself for a whole night. So, she leaves for the hospital and I leave for work.

Work was a mess. We were so busy that it's insane. I barely had time to do my chores. I was suppose to be finished with everything by 10:00, but because of all the people we had, I never had time. So after Dollar General closed, I went and got buggys in, finished sweeping, put up returns, brought in merchandise from outside, and then went to count down my till. I didn't get about until a little after 10:30. Lucky, my grandparents house is only 10 minutes away from town. But I had to get gas. There went 70 dollars of my paycheck. =/ Ugh. I hate when that happens. So, after spending ten minutes at the store, I get home around 10:50ish. I take the dog out, and get on the computer, not really do anything. Just delaying sleep even though I was exhausted. I see Jeremiah's online, but I guess Trillian was acting up and he was asleep or he was in a game. I dunno which adn that's fine. I know that if I talked to him I would have stayed up EXTREMELY later than I should.

So, at around....12:30? I'm not exactly sure when...I got Duke and decided that he was going to sleep in my room. I dragged him and his bed throughout the house to get to my room and then I said down and started reading The Conquest to help put me into sleep more. Once I turned out the lights around 1:15 (I checked my phone, so I'm pretty sure about that time), I started regretting bringing Duke into my room. He had never been back there before and it was hot and the poor thing couldn't get comfy and he kept making weird noises. But he finally went to sleep and so did I.

I guess I was dreaming, I mean...I know I was. But I woke up abruptly to hear someone say my name. Sounded like a woman and she sounded too familiar. And I jumped, and looked around the room, though I knew in my mind no one was there. Talk about giving a girl the chills. But, I went back to sleep rather quickly and I had a dream about Jeremiah. It felt so real, too. I wish it had been.

Today, I have to work from 12 to 9. Hopefully we won't be as busy and I'll actually get to leave at 9, lol. I get an hour lunch today though, and that seems to make my day go faster. I am so tired though. Ugh. Well, I'mma get off this now and finish getting ready.

home alone, dream, work

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